Friday, December 29, 2017

adventures in austin

Here's to dance parties in the living room
millions of twinkling lights
cups on cups of hot cocoa
car rides to Katy
ice cream in the winter
laughing in Ubers
exploring downtown
sing alongs with the sisters
pancakes, avocados, and brunch
mountain top views
cans of spray paint
the steps of the Capitol
my favorite cousins 
fancy restaurants and even fancier cheese
edible Monopoly boards
doughnuts the size of my face
matching t-shirts
direct flights
bunk beds and movie nights
stickers from record stores
ice skating on the roof of Whole Foods
sitting in atx signs
keeping Austin weird

And most importantly, the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College.
Thanks for a great time and even greater memories.

Monday, August 21, 2017

freshman year: dorm room

I've officially been in college for a week, though technically classes just started today. And with Day 1 down, freshman year is off to a great start.

Fortunately, this year my roommate and I got to contribute to the madness that is Ole Miss dorm rooms, and we're really happy with the way ours turned out!

We didn't have to spend a fortune for our dorm room to look cute! From Alex's dad making our headboards to a family friend sewing our bedskirts, little details made our room more affordable and unique to us. Plus, Tjmaxx was our best friend this summer!

All in all, we're really proud of how it turned out. 

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." John Wooden

Sunday, August 13, 2017

freshman year: move-in day

It's one thing to say you're "Ole Miss Bound," but when you're actually in the process of packing up your life and moving it into a tiny, shared dorm room, your perception kind of changes a little.

I can honestly say that Move-In Day was just as stressful, if not more, than I expected it to be. I don't know what I would have done without the help of my family, who probably dragged more stuff than I did into my dorm room. And let's just clarify that in the Mississippi heat, that's real love. 

Overpacking was a huge concern of mine. No one thought there was any way everything would fit into the two vehicles we drove up, let alone inside of my dorm, yet we made it work which was honestly the biggest win of the day. 

With the stress & exhaustion of move in, and even down to the last goodbye, it was ultimately all worth it in the end. And as I've said a million times, I'm unbelievably excited for what this next chapter has in store. 

hotty toddy,

Monday, August 7, 2017

summer days drifting away

Have you ever seen a movie in a series where nothing really happens? There's not really any action. The characters seem to be wondering. Maybe they take a long journey. A journey to a critical destination. Or a journey to find themselves.

And you think to yourself "Where's the action? Where's the adventure?"

Nothing special goes on in the drawn out film but when you see the next installment it all makes sense. You couldn't appreciate it then, but you needed this "filler film" to return to the action that takes place just around the bend.

I don't like to think of my life in these term, but if I had to put this summer into words, that's what I would call it. A filler with the next big thing just beyond the horizon.

I've had to come to terms with the fact that life isn't always going to be go, go, go. Though, generally, that is how I like it. This is the first summer in a while where I've been home for its majority, which is something I was pretty bummed about at first.

However, I've used this time to work on myself and prepare for the year to come.

Lazy days.
Summer jobs.
Dorm shopping.
Skylar's personal chauffeur (though she's my personal photographer).
Minimal stress.
Minimal responsibilities.

I haven't kept up with music, or media, or this blog to be quite honest.

And life's been pretty good in this transition from high school life. I've been allowed to simply enjoy just being. And it's a wonderful thing. Though, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready for things to pick up again. That's just who I am. I enjoy being busy. It keeps me sane. 

Anyway, I moved into my college dorm yesterday, which means my "filler summer" is coming to a close. There have been lots of great memories made in summer twenty seventeen but its time for a change.

"Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something." Regina Brett

Sunday, May 28, 2017

senior year: graduation

To end a week of nothing but smiles, surprises, and pure happiness, I walked across a stage in front hundreds of people to receive my diploma. 

And not only that, but I got to deliver a valedictory address that I am incredibly proud of...

To the bishop and superintendent
Priests, faculty, and staff,
Parents, family, and friends
And to my fellow graduates...

When asked to write this speech, I felt like I should leave you with something important, with words that matter and not just fluff thrown together the night before. In searching for meaning behind my words, I chose to share with you a few things I find to be true, in the hopes that maybe a piece of this will weigh upon your hearts.

We have grown here. whether you’ve been a part of this journey since k-4 or junior year, we’ve grown together
In knowledge
In friendship
In maturity
As people.
We have aimed to get the grades, make the touchdowns, and score the winning goals. We’ve aimed to be better and work harder. And now it seems that our work here is finally complete.

However, while all these things have gotten us to this point, they do not define us. What defines us is what we do after this point with our accomplishments in hand and the knowledge and support we have been given.

We have so much left to learn, and life has so much left to teach us; lessons that can’t be learned here.
It’s time to move on from this place with the memories we cherish and the love of the people we hold dear.

And I quote “I am the combined efforts of everyone I’ve ever known.”
It is in this way that we will continue to carry each other and our experiences along this journey of life. It is the only way we know how because these people are a part of who we are.

(Continued Growth.)
So as you continue to grow, remember to shed light on the people you meet. Leave them a little better than when you came. Be generous with your smiles, and remember that kindness costs you nothing.  

Truly, we’ve been given an opportunity, a gift to be whoever we want to be as long as we’re willing to fight for the life we want to live. Lives full of service. Love.  Determination. Hope. And the most genuine happiness.

I was recently asked the question, “What is the good life?” And I can’t answer that for everyone in this room, I can barely answer it for myself. But, if there’s one thing I can leave with you all, is to not shy away from the tough questions. Because usually, the answers to those questions are the ones that matter, and to seek out your good life whatever it may be.

To end I’d like to bring to mind a scripture.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 reads, “There is a time for everything,
   and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2     a time to be born and a time to die,
   a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3     a time to kill and a time to heal,
   a time to tear down and a time to build,
4     a time to weep and a time to laugh,
   a time to mourn and a time to dance”

And this is our time, Class of 2017, the time where we figure out who we are beyond these hallways.

We must remember that life is short, something my dear friend Morgan Parker Jones knew all too well. It is too short not to take the lessons we have learned in high school with us as we enter into adulthood. It is too short not to take chances and to make mistakes.

We must do as much as we possibly can with the time we have been given. Don't long for the past. But look with hope and press forward towards the future.  

I believe that this change, this future, is not something to be feared. If anything, we should welcome it with open arms.

So it is with my arms outstretched that I say, congratulations my fellow graduates, we’ve survived high school. And the best is yet to come.

Thank you.

High school was a ride. A rollercoaster of sorts. It was full of ups and downs. Sharp turns and unexpected twists. But for the things it taught me and the person it helped me to become, it was worth every second.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

last day of high school

Today's the day. Well, the almost day. It's my last day of high school. The day that means I've completed enough courses to earn a diploma, to participate in graduation.

I feel excited, relieved, exhilarated, shocked, and nostalgic. I'm in disbelief. I don't know how to feel, yet I feel everything all at once. I've been waiting for this day for so long. I've been killing myself to get to this point. And now, it's here.

I'm actually finished with high school. I basically have a diploma in my hand. And it doesn't feel real.

On my last day before winter break a few years back, I posted something on Facebook that my mom teased me about. It was right after my last semester exam. Math to be more specific. And I struggle with math.

The post was along the lines of "I'm finally free." Though, I'm sure a ton of emojis were throw in there too. But my point is that no matter what my mother said to tease me, I didn't regret the post, and I didn't take it down. Matter of fact, I couldn't stop smiling. Because it was true. I was free.


Don't get me wrong, high school has been an experience. One that, despite my lack of sadness upon leaving, I didn't take for granted. I am grateful for what it has taught me. The things I've discovered in and out the classroom.

So today, I cleaned out my locker and closed it with one final slam. All I took with me was a single binder filled with blank looseleaf and countless memories.

There was a quote that hung in my locker. It reminded me to remember the journey that has gotten me to this point. Everything has led up to this. A day that I never thought would actually arrive.

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Dear Ma,

Dear Ma,

Here's to you.
On your day.
Mother's Day.

Here's to your secret selfies.
Your ever-present sweet tooth.
Your "non-existent" snoring.
Your low ponytails.
Your morning workouts.
Your shoe collection.
Your constant tardiness.

And everything else that makes you, you.

Thanks for the pep talks.
The endless memories.
The selfless sacrifices.

For being my biggest fan.
For rarely saying "I told you so."
For just being "Ma."

But you're more than a mother.

You're a friend.

A shoulder to cry on.
A hand to hold.
A voice of reason.

With you, I rant.
With you, I cry.
With you, I laugh.
With you, I smile.

You're there on the best days and the worst.
You go along with my wild imagination.
You never shut down my dreams.
You allow me to be myself.

You've helped grow me into the best version of myself.

And for that, I'm eternally grateful.

Love you always & forever,

Sunday, April 23, 2017

senior year: prom

Crowns, heels, after parties, and dancing. Masks, glitter, pictures, and poses. Prom twenty-seventeen didn't disappoint. I had a great time with the gals, and can say this was the best one yet!

My favorite photographs from the night...

 Someone once told me that Prom is for us, and graduation is for our parents. For some reason, I don't think this statement is 100% accurate. Prom may be where we have our fun, but graduation is what really counts. 

And the countdown begins...graduation here we come.

"Always wear your invisible crown." Lilly Pulitzer

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

twenty four hours in New Orleans

This post is ridiculously overdue. A month overdue to be exact. But anyway, the day before my birthday was spent in New Orleans with my mom and sister.

It was amazing because two years ago was my first time in NOLA. However, all we had time for then was breakfast (we were passing through).

Considering this was a month ago, I don't remember specific details of the day. It's funny, some memories of that trip are vivid in my mind, while others tiny memories like stolen words from distant conversations, passing faces, and delicious smells (food of course) have quickly faded. But the feeling the experience gave me still remains.

You know how cities almost have a personality. I can only compare this one's with others I've visited. Orlando. Atlanta. Washington, D.C. But, it's not really something you can up words to. It's just a feeling. You either get it or you don't.

My mom and Sky didn't feel the same way about the city as I did. I don't think city life calls them like it does me. A different pace. Taller buildings. More people. More stories.

I don't know. It gets me excited. It makes me feel alive somehow.

Which means that naturally, I was the one that dragged them around for the day. And they couldn't tell me know because, well, this was my day.

The first thing we noticed was that there were Mardi Gras beads everywhere. And I mean everywhere. In the trees. The street. Hanging from fences. Posted on houses, as if on display. At first, I thought "come on people, Mardi Gras was a month ago," but after a while, I expected those beads to be there as we cruised through the streets of New Orleans and as eventually found ourselves walking along Magazine Street. They added just a little extra sparkle, I guess. I mean, the St. Patty's Day Parade would be the following day. Maybe that was simply the city's way of recycling.

The one thing I do hate about cities: parking. I know first world problems...but when you're used to the empty, free parking spaces of a small town, find parking (and coughing up the insane amount of money to pay for it) can be rough.

After finding a place to park, we went to find food! We ended up going to this Po-Boy resturant called Mahoney's, which was featured on Food Network's Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. Personally, I definitely thought it was more of a lunchtime hangout. We got there right before the crowd. And for a Thursday, it was pretty packed. 

My ratings on a five star scale...
Food: 3
Atmosphere: 4
Price: Good
Overall: 3.5

Actually, I think my meal was the best out of the three of us. But, to be honest, everything tastes wonderful after eating cruise ship food for a week.

What does this sign remind you of? I just thought it was funny. At the time, the topic was very trendy. On to other random things, I also found myself taking quite a few photos of houses. Don't ask why.

We did a little shopping, drove around some more, ate dinner in the French Quarter, and then I convinced my mom to take me to a creepy mansion in the Garden District. Fun fact: American Horror Story: Coven was filmed in New Orleans, and since that series was my obessession back in the day, I had to go to the house where most of the filming took place... Buckner Mansion aka Miss Robicheaux's Academy (the witch school itself).

And honestly, it was a beautiful house. I think the creepiness factored in because it was almost midnight.  (Excuse my appearance btw, it was pretty cold that night so I chose comfort over style.) Plus, it was so weird how a huge mansion popped up out of all these regular-sized houses. The best part of the visit to Buckner mansion was a tourist-y family pulled up in a taxi, and the dad shouting, "Hey, you know that's the house from American Horror Story!" as he took his daughter's picture with a grin on both of their faces. Oh, how creepy mansions bring people together!

All in all, it was a great day, my only regret is not getting a beignet for breakfast. We woke up late the next day and had to head out. Places to be and people to see as they say.

That's how I know I'll be back: because I haven't eaten a beignet in Nola yet!  However, next time you catch me in the city, it'll be for a more extended amount of time;) There is much more tourist-ing to be done.

"If you're open to it, New Orleans will teach you about yourself, but if you want to hide from who you really are, the city will help you do that, too. " Laurell K. Hamilton

Saturday, April 1, 2017

my introduction to bullet journaling

With new seasons, come new ideas and new perspectives. Small changes have a way of creating a sort of ripple effect. So, with the change from winter to spring, I decided to try something new.

I recently came across a personalized method of journaling called bullet journaling. In following this method, you can customize agenda and lifestyle spreads within the pages of a notebook. Sounds good, right?

Well, it can get tedious if you decide to follow the somewhat strict guidelines of the original method. I'll link that original style of bullet journaling here.

However, some of the journaling spreads that I have encountered while exploring this world of journaling have really caught my attention. There are pages that range from mood trackers to monthly memories, really anything you can think up. Again, this is a journal that YOU create yourself.

Because I already have an agenda that I use to keep up with events in my daily life (A Lilly Pulitzer to be exact), I decided I was going to try bullet journaling out, but by only doing the more creative pages. Sort of like a "little things" planner, if you will, to keep up with and recognize the things that sometimes go unnoticed. Oh, and I added plenty of space for my many to-do lists!!

Since it's my first time testing out my liking of bullet journaling, I didn't buy a fancy journal (I used one I already own). While you can see that I'm dabbling in faux calligraphy, I also didn't buy fancy pens and markers because I'm just starting out. Instead, I rounded up some Crayola markers from around the house. Hey, if it works, it works!

Without further ado, here are some of my favorite pages (plus the supplies I used)...

This is just a few of the pages I did, and for a first time, I think I did pretty well. It's important to remember that everything isn't always going to be perfect. Not all of my lines are straight, I definitely didn't always color within the lines, and washi tape was my best friend when it came to correcting huge mess ups, but that's okay.

This journal is for me. And if you decide to create one, then it'll be for you. As long as you can live with a few smudges here and there, I don't think anyone else will mind.

"Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway." Emory Austin

My favorite places for bullet journal inspiration: My Pinterest Board, AmandaRachLee, & Studywithinspo.

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