Saturday, February 3, 2018

first semester reflection

In all honesty, college was everything I had hoped it would be. It was a step toward the future I envision for myself and a piece of the freedom that I desperately needed. It has opened me up to so many things. Knowledge I'd never encountered, concepts I'd never thought to challenge, and people I'd always hoped to encounter.

Also, I love Honors College. I love Honors College. I love Honors College. Honestly, I can't express this enough. It's the best part about going to Ole Miss. 

Though, as you can imagine, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. It's school, so of course, it is hard work. I had many late nights, exams piled on top of one another, and papers that I waited until the last minute to complete. And I cannot fail to mention that Spanish gave me a run for my money but in the end, hard work really does pay off. 

As usual, I kept myself busy. I joined the yearbook staff and the school paper, as well as freshman council among other things. It's become clear to me that I prefer to live life with a million things to do than an excessive amount of free time. I mean, by the time Christmas pasted I was ready to start back up again. The lazy days only seem full of contentment and bliss for so long. Then, I become restless.

With involvement also comes putting yourself out there. I have received lots of no's but also so many yes's. And I'm sure there are many more rejections to come, but they make me appreciate the yes's so much more.

In the coming semester, I want to focus more on volunteering. It's something that I enjoyed so much in high school, and I want to get back to that. I feel the most fulfilled when I am giving of myself to others. 

Ultimately, college is full of countless opportunities, amazing people, and memories that I'm sure will last a lifetime. You never forget the excitement of your first gameday, the nerves of the first class, the fear of your first exam, the worry of not making friends, and the relief when you find those people.

You don't forget the long walks, the late night conversations with your roommate, the excessive trips to Walmart, or the last minute runs to the Union.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I hope not to take any of it for granted. I constantly find myself in awe of how truly blessed I am, and I don't ever want that to change. Appoxiately one eighth of this next great adventure is down. It's safe to say that I'm ready for round two.

"Months are different in college... especially freshman year. Too much happens." Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl

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