Tuesday, January 3, 2017

twenty sixteen recap

I made really great memories last year.
I met some amazing people.
I made some amazing friends.
And I did some amazing things.

I went to prom (twice).
I played guitar on a stage.
I won a talent competition.
I coached a girls soccer team.
I laughed on the steps of the U. S. Capitol.
I saw the Phantom of the Opera at the Kennedy Center.
I went to a professional baseball game.
I sang constantly that "I'm almost there."
I overused the phrase "like a dog."
I experienced the craziest penalty shot out of SJS soccer history.  
I cheered our boys on to the third round of playoffs.

I screamed UCA! UCA! at the top of my lungs.
I greeted a room with "HI HOBY."
I learned that sometimes it's okay to be P-E- to the T-T-Y.
I took naps on the softest dorm room bed ever.
I pretended I was a college freshman all July.
I followed the craziest U. S. election of all time.
I danced to juju on that beat.
I slept in.
I stayed up late.
I binge watched "Are You the One?"
I cheered in the rain.
I overate on holidays.
I wore a pumpkin shirt on Halloween.
I sang carols on Christmas Eve.
I grew in my faith.

I decided to become a Rebel.

I started a blog.

Time is precious. Time is not guaranteed  or promised.

These memories are priceless.

These memories are mine.

Goodbye 2016, you've been good to me.
2017, you've got a lot to live up to.

I'm unbelievably excited for what you have in store.

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