Saturday, November 26, 2016

oh, so very thankful

November is coming to a close. Matter of fact, this year is coming to a close. It's usually this time of year that people look back on the things they've done, regret the things they didn't do, and make plans for the year to come. We vow to be better, do more, and live fully. Because "where has the time gone!"

Spring. Summer. Autumn. They have all come and gone, and despite the twinge of sorry we feel for the passing days, or about getting older, we are still excited because we hope there is more to come. We are grateful for what we have and who we are. We are always looking ahead.

Grateful, grateful, grateful. Really, I'm trying to say that we shouldn't rely on the holidays, the turkey and the dressing, the constantly ticking clock, or the man in the big red suit to remind us to be grateful for all the things that God has blessed us with. We shouldn't wait until the end of the year to look back and remember the good times.

We should always remember the good. We should always strive for better. We should never take for granted what we have or what's in front of us.    

Always be thankful, thankful, thankful.

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Monday, October 17, 2016

senior year: homecoming

In the spirit of senior memories and all... here's a homecoming week recap!

TUESDAY: famous people day

My class decided to make this dress up day simple and coordinate our outfits. We dressed up as the cast of Grey's Anatomy. I personally had never watched this show until last week, but, of course, a lot of people at school are obsessed with it. Now I'm binge watching it on Netflix, so I understand the hype.

Anyway, I was Dr. Maggie Pierce...

WEDNESDAY: farm day

So, yeah, these dress-up days have no rhyme or reason, but for farm day, I decided to paint a white shirt with black spots. I was going for a cow, but most people thought I was a dog. Oh well, both can be classified as farm animals...

(Photos lost)

THURSDAY: pep rally

Thursday night was the Homecoming pep rally in which the cheerleaders performed. Our performance (which went very well!) was followed by the Homecoming Court presentation and a slideshow that showcased the girls. All and all, it was a pretty good night plus the middle school team won their football game!

FRIDAY: homecoming game & dance

This is the night we have all been waiting for right? I mean the sparkling dresses of the court, the screaming fans, the after party that lasted for hours... Unfortunately, this isn't really how I remember it. However, the girls on court did look amazing, more fans showed up to the game than usual, and my after homecoming plans turned out well.

The main problem was that I had a massive headache during the football game, which made it extremely hard for me to keep up with calling out cheers, let alone knowing whether we were on offense or defense. Thankfully, my headache subsided by halftime, and I got to enjoy my bestie have her moment on the field!

And I can't forget to mention we won the football game 55-0! 

The dance was as to be expected of any high school dance. If you wanted it to be fun, you had to make it fun. The DJ or the decorations don't really matter, it's about who you are around and the if you're in the moment.

So, all in all, homecoming was good this year. It didn't surprise me, but it didn't disappoint. I'd say that's a win.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

love your life, love yourself.

How to love yourself:

1. Believe in yourself.
Know that you can be or do anything you set your mind to. Nothing is impossible!

2. Be Kind.
You always feel good about yourself when you do something nice for others. It doesn't cost you anything to give someone a compliment. It won't hurt you to smile. I know you've heard about the "scientific study" that proves smiling makes you live longer... while I don't know if that is true or not, it is still a good thought. So volunteer in your community, be positive toward others, and give rather than receive. An outward smile can quickly become an inward one.

3. Accept who you are.
Sometimes you have to come to terms with the fact that you are limited as a human being. You will never be perfect. You cannot always be the star of the show, but if you try your best that's all you can really ask of yourself.

4. Stop caring what other people think.
This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate it when people care too much about what others think of them. So what if Jane doesn't like your outfit? Like, you do you girl! A long as you are happy with what you do and say then it doesn't matter how other people feel about it. Be the person that makes you happy. Sometimes, you have to be your own biggest fan, but if you stay true to who you are, the people in your life that truly care about you will stick around.

How to love your life:

1. Surround yourself with people that make you happy.
Really this goes back to loving yourself. Care enough about yourself to not surround yourself with negative people. You don't deserve to be around people who pressure you to make bad decisions or treat you badly. Fill your life with people who love and support you-- people who want to see you succeed and lift you up, not people who want to tear you down.

2. Do things that make you happy.
We all have talents and passions. Try to participate in the things that relax you or bring you joy regularly. Life is short, and every moment not doing something you are passionate about is a wasted moment.

3. Have faith in the future.
You know they say live everyday like it's your last, well that doesn't mean that you can't dream about tomorrow. Have hope that tomorrow will be better than today. Everything you are doing is not for nothing. Whether its school or work, remember to keep in mind the big picture, and know that you can get there. Because what's the point of living if you don't have anything to live for.

"Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life."

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

senior year: the beginnings

It's a month into senior year, and there have been a lot of firsts.

The first day of senior year.
The first time I parked in the seniors' row of the parking lot.
The first senior party.
The first time I stepped foot in a Calculus class.
The first time I got to leave class five minutes early for break and lunch.
The first time someone asked me what college I was going to attend.
And the first time my actions were justified with the phase "because I'm a senior."

While there are many firsts, there are also many last.

My last first day of high school.
My last high school cheer camp.
My last opening game of football season.
My last time having long bus rides with the soccer team.
And there are so many more lasts to come.

While I'm the first one to say I'm ready to leave high school, I guess I'm saying all this to remind myself to cherish the moments while they are still here. I can't take life for granted.

People keep telling me I'll remember this year forever, and maybe I will. Despite my reservations to still being in high school, I have so much hope for this school year. And it is the vision of myself walking across the stage and receiving my diploma that keeps me going. The past four years of high school couldn't have all been for nothing.

My classmates are all pretty laid back. We squash our drama among ourselves, and generally keep to ourselves. We bicker with each other. We complain about each other. But at the end of the day, we take up for each other. The class is basically that dysfunctional family with people in it that you don't want to claim, but you know you have to.  I'm pretty sure we are the class that everyone wishes they were in, but doesn't want to admit it;)

This year I want to laugh, cry, hope, and dream.
I want to feel alive in a time where it's so easy to forget how fortunate we really are. I want to make memories-- the kinds that adults say you never forget. I want to learn, grow, and find myself even more than I already have. Because honestly I don't think we ever have it figured out, some people are just better at pretending they have. "Fake it 'til you make it." That's the motto, right.

Well we will see how the next 9 months go...

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Hey world, it's me Asia.

As far as intros go, I think that one is pretty solid. But really, hello everyone! Thank you for reading my blog! It's kinda weird saying that I have a blog. Anyway, a little about me: I'm a senior in high school, a cheerleader and soccer player, I read when I can, I'd like to think that I can sing, and I like to write, thus this blog.

 So why would I start a blog you may ask, I mean who reads blogs anymore?

Well that is a good point, and one that I have come across many times in my effort to scrabble up enough bravery to start this blog.

And the honest answer that I've come up with is that firstly, I've learned that life is a whole lot better when you do things for yourself, instead of for other people. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hope anyone viewing my content gets something out of it. Whether it be that I made them see something in a different way or they learned something new. That's awesome, and when you're viewing someone's work, that's all they can ever hope for.

But first, I have to create content and posts that make me happy. My goal is to create an outlet for myself to untangle my thoughts, and maybe connect with people on the way.

Secondly, despite popular belief, I still believe that there are people who read something, besides a text message every once in a while. And these are the people I hope to share my thoughts with. And frankly, you must be one of those people, or you wouldn't be reading this right now.

It is not staying in our own heads that help us grow, but trying to grasps how others chose to live.

I hope my way of life helps you grow, and I hope writing about it helps me grow as well.

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