Wednesday, May 17, 2017

last day of high school

Today's the day. Well, the almost day. It's my last day of high school. The day that means I've completed enough courses to earn a diploma, to participate in graduation.

I feel excited, relieved, exhilarated, shocked, and nostalgic. I'm in disbelief. I don't know how to feel, yet I feel everything all at once. I've been waiting for this day for so long. I've been killing myself to get to this point. And now, it's here.

I'm actually finished with high school. I basically have a diploma in my hand. And it doesn't feel real.

On my last day before winter break a few years back, I posted something on Facebook that my mom teased me about. It was right after my last semester exam. Math to be more specific. And I struggle with math.

The post was along the lines of "I'm finally free." Though, I'm sure a ton of emojis were throw in there too. But my point is that no matter what my mother said to tease me, I didn't regret the post, and I didn't take it down. Matter of fact, I couldn't stop smiling. Because it was true. I was free.


Don't get me wrong, high school has been an experience. One that, despite my lack of sadness upon leaving, I didn't take for granted. I am grateful for what it has taught me. The things I've discovered in and out the classroom.

So today, I cleaned out my locker and closed it with one final slam. All I took with me was a single binder filled with blank looseleaf and countless memories.

There was a quote that hung in my locker. It reminded me to remember the journey that has gotten me to this point. Everything has led up to this. A day that I never thought would actually arrive.

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

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