Saturday, March 3, 2018

dance, dance, dance for the kids

photo by Ariel Williams
This year I had the opportunity to participate in Rebelthon, a 12-hour dance marathon fundraiser that benefits Blair E. Baton Children's Hospital. I was a little hesitant of being on my feet for numerous hours, but the cause was more than worth it. 

I didn't know what to expect coming into this event as a freshman, but it was lots of fun. The night was full of pancakes, glow sticks, bouncy houses, ballpits, hip-hop routines, lip-sync battles, and top of the hour dance numbers. Fannypacks were all the rave. Family stories were more than inspiring. And the kids had just as much fun as we did. Without a doubt, I left with a smile on my sleepy face.

Most importantly, we raised $265, 912.30 for the kids!

"Dancing with your feet is one thing, but dancing with your heart is another."

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