Sunday, August 21, 2016


Hey world, it's me Asia.

As far as intros go, I think that one is pretty solid. But really, hello everyone! Thank you for reading my blog! It's kinda weird saying that I have a blog. Anyway, a little about me: I'm a senior in high school, a cheerleader and soccer player, I read when I can, I'd like to think that I can sing, and I like to write, thus this blog.

 So why would I start a blog you may ask, I mean who reads blogs anymore?

Well that is a good point, and one that I have come across many times in my effort to scrabble up enough bravery to start this blog.

And the honest answer that I've come up with is that firstly, I've learned that life is a whole lot better when you do things for yourself, instead of for other people. I mean, don't get me wrong, I hope anyone viewing my content gets something out of it. Whether it be that I made them see something in a different way or they learned something new. That's awesome, and when you're viewing someone's work, that's all they can ever hope for.

But first, I have to create content and posts that make me happy. My goal is to create an outlet for myself to untangle my thoughts, and maybe connect with people on the way.

Secondly, despite popular belief, I still believe that there are people who read something, besides a text message every once in a while. And these are the people I hope to share my thoughts with. And frankly, you must be one of those people, or you wouldn't be reading this right now.

It is not staying in our own heads that help us grow, but trying to grasps how others chose to live.

I hope my way of life helps you grow, and I hope writing about it helps me grow as well.

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