Monday, March 20, 2017

here comes the sun

Today is the first day of Spring, and as winter melts into sunshine, we are reminded of many things.

For starters, we remember that change can be a good thing because with change comes hope. And we all know how important hope is. For without hope, we would not have purpose. Without purpose, we might as well not exist.

Hope makes us feel as if we can rise from the ashes, start fresh. And we all need that sometimes. I can't help but think of Maya Angelou's "Still I Rise" because it's never to late to change. It's never to late to turn a corner, or to be better than you've been. To be as confident and strong as the speaker in that poem.

Don't give up. Don't give in. Don't look back.

And be the person you were meant to be.

This new season also reassures me that with all the upcoming change taking place in my life as I enter the last nine weeks of Senior Year, it doesn't have to be a bad thing. Change doesn't have to be this scary monster that people make it out to be.

Change can be exciting, and exhilarating, and promising. Change can be exactly what we need.

So always look ahead because just like the sun,

We rise.
We rise.
We rise.

"Here comes the sun, and I say, it's all right" The Beatles

Sunday, March 19, 2017

the travel diaries: mexico

Five days on a cruise ship makes you really appreciate land... But all jokes aside I really enjoyed Spring Break with my family and a few classmates!

Before we dive into the pictures, here are some inside jokes & memorable moments:

-"Ayyyeeeee bayybayyeee"
-Alex can be "Mexican in Mexico if she wants to be."
-Club O2 was lit-y @skylar
-24/7 ice cream is a terrible idea.
-We were all sleeping on Matthew, and Seth was just sleeping.
-Someone asked me if I was a middle schooler. I was definitely offended.
-We found out why the plants in Costa Maya were so tall.
-"5 dollars! Take it, take it!!"
-When Marla said she never got sick...
-The moment when a $15 towel had to be thrown over the fence.

That list probably makes absolutely no sense to most people. Oh well, you came for the pictures anyway:)

Sunday: Day at Sea

Monday: Costa Maya, Mexico

Fancy Dinner

Tuesday: Cozumel, Mexico

Wednesday: Day at Sea

"The cure to anything is salt water: sweat, tears, or the sea." Isak Dinesen

Saturday, March 18, 2017

seventeen things i learned at seventeen

I'm 18! Can you believe it? Haha neither can I. While it's only a fraction of some people's life, I feel like it's a big mile stone. Because honestly, it is!

I mean, I'm kind of an adult now....

Anyway, while I still have a lot to learn, here are some of the things that I either learned or had a "gentle" reminder of this year.

1. Speak positivity. 
If you speak positive things into the world, positive things will happen to you in return. If you want something to happen, say it out loud, scream it from the roof tops. Set goals, believe in them, then make them happen.

2. It's okay to step out of your comfort zone.
Actually, it's encouraged.

3. Learn to be a social butterfly.
It helps in life, especially when meeting new people. Be the first to say hello. I usually tell myself, "Channel your inner Metri."

4. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
I'd rather feel stupid asking a question than look stupid doing things wrong.

5. Stress less.
You can make it through anything. Just try to enjoy the ride. There will be more good days than bad. Remember, "God is within her, she will not fall."

6. Workout more, nap less.
I don' think this one needs any explanation.

7. You have to be self-motivated.
No one is going to hold your hand through life. You have to know what you want and do what it takes to get it.

8. Decide to make everyday a great day.
Don't let other people's moods and crap affect you. If you want to smile, smile. Do things for yourself, I don't mean be selfish. But keep your best interest in mind always, because at the end of the day, you're only responsible for your own happiness not others'.

9. Treat yourself (every once in a while).
Whether it's sleeping ten minutes extra in the morning, buying yourself a new dress, or going out to Mexican (my favorite), you deserve it! Fill life up with the things that make you happy. Don't spend all your time doing schoolwork. It'll still be there when you finish, just don't miss any deadlines!

10. Don't skip out on washing your face before bed.
This is a must! And this goes hand in hand with not waiting until you're on your last uniform shirt to wash your dirty clothes. Don't judge... we all have our lazy days.

11. Your planner is your best friend.
I definitely need to keep this one in mind. But generally besides filling out my planner, I make a lot of to-do lists and other random notes. This keeps my brain from getting cluttered.

12. It cost zero cents to be a kind person.
Just remember to be nice to people, okay? Okay.

13. Keep your faith close to your heart.
It's the best way to live. And you never know when you'll need it most.

14. Productivity is the key to life.
Stop being lazy! Everyday is a chance to get one step closer to any goal. Don't waste it. You feel so much better when you've had a productive day.

15. Write more.
A worthwhile hobby, I know. But hey, to each their own, right?

16. Enjoy the now.
The moment will fade, and the memories are simply the next best thing, so enjoy each and every day. Don't sleepwalk through life. Live a life that makes you feel something.

17. You still have a lot to learn, my friend.
Just try to learn something new everyday. And remember to stay open-minded.

If you read this all the way through, thank you so much! I'm so blessed to see another year, and I frequently remind myself not to take anything for granted.

I wonder what this next year of my life will bring?

Whatever it is, I'll cherish the memories, live in the moment, and look forward to the future.

Friday, March 10, 2017

coming to a close: my senior quote

In the past couple of weeks, I was given the task of choosing my senior quote. This should be easy right? Pick a quote that you love, something meaningful, something you've always related with. The problem is I'm a somewhat of quote-aholic, if there ever were such a thing.

I had difficulty choosing one quote, so here are the runner-ups. They deserve some love.

1. "She believed she could, so she did."

2. "Some days there won't be a song in your heart, Sing anyway." Emory Austin

3. "Nothing can dim the light which shines from within." Maya Angelou 

4. "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller (Someone in the class ended up picking this one.)

5. "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." Song of Solomon 4:7

Ultimately, I went with...
"God is within her, she will not fall." Psalms 46:5

Because at the end of the day, my faith is the most important thing to me. And those are the words I cling to. These words keep me going. They bring me hope for the future.

I could have went with a funny quote, like a lot of my classmates did. Maybe that would have been easier, and honesty it probably wouldn't have been any less true.

But we all need something to hold on to, while we hold our breaths and wait for the future.

Here's mine.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

stressed, and well... stressed

What actually is stress? I mean honestly.

Is it the feeling of a weigh on your shoulders? A drowning feeling, like you're gasping for air? A mess of commitments and responsibilities? A warning before you explode?

Or is the answer simply all of the above?

Well, this post is for all the people who get it. The ones who know stress all too well, and the ones who are just beginning to encounter it. Maybe, it's even for the ones who haven't yet... because you'll need all the help you can get.

It's something we all have to deal with sooner or later. Later is preferable. But we all know that life doesn't care about our preferences.

This post is a makeshift response to a post by Danielle Marie Carolan titled "Stressed, But Well Dressed." And ya'll, this girl gets me! She knows my struggle...haha. And if a high school senior all the way in Florida can relate, there must be much more reliability to this topic. 

No, but really if I didn't believe it when they said Senior Year is no joke, I believe it now (which I feel like I've said a hundred times, but it genuinely keep smacking me in the face). And of course, I'm one of those people who brings these extra commitments upon myself. But, this semester has been like no other! Especially this past week because our school play (Into the Woods) opened this weekend, talk about a time commitment.

But I'm not complaining... I'll throw in a positive twist momentarily;)

School is a lot in itself, but adding extracurriculars on top of that can sometimes seem impossible. But hey, that's life! It's all about balance.

There will be plenty of tough times, you just have to be tougher. No wait, you are tougher, as Danielle would say.

One things for sure though, while I understand the stress part, where does the well dressed part come in, because I dress like a hobo half the time. I guess I'll have to work on that!

Which brings me to my next point. I want to start adding some different lifestyle elements to this platform. Change is coming!! So definitely, definitely, stay tuned.

Now, what I can't understand is why I'm still awake at 11PM typing up this post when I have tons of homework left to finish.... I guess I should add procrastination to the list of things I haven't quite mastered. Oh well, everything comes with time.

"Sometimes you need those bad days to help you appreciate the good ones."

Danielle's Post: "Stressed, But Well Dressed" 
Check her out. I really love her content!

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