Monday, October 17, 2016

senior year: homecoming

In the spirit of senior memories and all... here's a homecoming week recap!

TUESDAY: famous people day

My class decided to make this dress up day simple and coordinate our outfits. We dressed up as the cast of Grey's Anatomy. I personally had never watched this show until last week, but, of course, a lot of people at school are obsessed with it. Now I'm binge watching it on Netflix, so I understand the hype.

Anyway, I was Dr. Maggie Pierce...

WEDNESDAY: farm day

So, yeah, these dress-up days have no rhyme or reason, but for farm day, I decided to paint a white shirt with black spots. I was going for a cow, but most people thought I was a dog. Oh well, both can be classified as farm animals...

(Photos lost)

THURSDAY: pep rally

Thursday night was the Homecoming pep rally in which the cheerleaders performed. Our performance (which went very well!) was followed by the Homecoming Court presentation and a slideshow that showcased the girls. All and all, it was a pretty good night plus the middle school team won their football game!

FRIDAY: homecoming game & dance

This is the night we have all been waiting for right? I mean the sparkling dresses of the court, the screaming fans, the after party that lasted for hours... Unfortunately, this isn't really how I remember it. However, the girls on court did look amazing, more fans showed up to the game than usual, and my after homecoming plans turned out well.

The main problem was that I had a massive headache during the football game, which made it extremely hard for me to keep up with calling out cheers, let alone knowing whether we were on offense or defense. Thankfully, my headache subsided by halftime, and I got to enjoy my bestie have her moment on the field!

And I can't forget to mention we won the football game 55-0! 

The dance was as to be expected of any high school dance. If you wanted it to be fun, you had to make it fun. The DJ or the decorations don't really matter, it's about who you are around and the if you're in the moment.

So, all in all, homecoming was good this year. It didn't surprise me, but it didn't disappoint. I'd say that's a win.

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