Sunday, August 13, 2017

freshman year: move-in day

It's one thing to say you're "Ole Miss Bound," but when you're actually in the process of packing up your life and moving it into a tiny, shared dorm room, your perception kind of changes a little.

I can honestly say that Move-In Day was just as stressful, if not more, than I expected it to be. I don't know what I would have done without the help of my family, who probably dragged more stuff than I did into my dorm room. And let's just clarify that in the Mississippi heat, that's real love. 

Overpacking was a huge concern of mine. No one thought there was any way everything would fit into the two vehicles we drove up, let alone inside of my dorm, yet we made it work which was honestly the biggest win of the day. 

With the stress & exhaustion of move in, and even down to the last goodbye, it was ultimately all worth it in the end. And as I've said a million times, I'm unbelievably excited for what this next chapter has in store. 

hotty toddy,

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