Have you ever seen a movie in a series where nothing really happens? There's not really any action. The characters seem to be wondering. Maybe they take a long journey. A journey to a critical destination. Or a journey to find themselves.
And you think to yourself "Where's the action? Where's the adventure?"
Nothing special goes on in the drawn out film but when you see the next installment it all makes sense. You couldn't appreciate it then, but you needed this "filler film" to return to the action that takes place just around the bend.
I don't like to think of my life in these term, but if I had to put this summer into words, that's what I would call it. A filler with the next big thing just beyond the horizon.
I've had to come to terms with the fact that life isn't always going to be go, go, go. Though, generally, that is how I like it. This is the first summer in a while where I've been home for its majority, which is something I was pretty bummed about at first.
However, I've used this time to work on myself and prepare for the year to come.
Lazy days.
Summer jobs.
Dorm shopping.
Skylar's personal chauffeur (though she's my personal photographer).
Minimal stress.
Minimal responsibilities.
I haven't kept up with music, or media, or this blog to be quite honest.
And life's been pretty good in this transition from high school life. I've been allowed to simply enjoy just being. And it's a wonderful thing. Though, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't ready for things to pick up again. That's just who I am. I enjoy being busy. It keeps me sane.
Anyway, I moved into my college dorm yesterday, which means my "filler summer" is coming to a close. There have been lots of great memories made in summer twenty seventeen but its time for a change.
"Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something." Regina Brett
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