How to love yourself:
1. Believe in yourself.
Know that you can be or do anything you set your mind to. Nothing is impossible!
2. Be Kind.
You always feel good about yourself when you do something nice for others. It doesn't cost you anything to give someone a compliment. It won't hurt you to smile. I know you've heard about the "scientific study" that proves smiling makes you live longer... while I don't know if that is true or not, it is still a good thought. So volunteer in your community, be positive toward others, and give rather than receive. An outward smile can quickly become an inward one.
3. Accept who you are.
Sometimes you have to come to terms with the fact that you are limited as a human being. You will never be perfect. You cannot always be the star of the show, but if you try your best that's all you can really ask of yourself.
4. Stop caring what other people think.
This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. I hate it when people care too much about what others think of them. So what if Jane doesn't like your outfit? Like, you do you girl! A long as you are happy with what you do and say then it doesn't matter how other people feel about it. Be the person that makes you happy. Sometimes, you have to be your own biggest fan, but if you stay true to who you are, the people in your life that truly care about you will stick around.
How to love your life:
1. Surround yourself with people that make you happy.
Really this goes back to loving yourself. Care enough about yourself to not surround yourself with negative people. You don't deserve to be around people who pressure you to make bad decisions or treat you badly. Fill your life with people who love and support you-- people who want to see you succeed and lift you up, not people who want to tear you down.
2. Do things that make you happy.
We all have talents and passions. Try to participate in the things that relax you or bring you joy regularly. Life is short, and every moment not doing something you are passionate about is a wasted moment.
3. Have faith in the future.
You know they say live everyday like it's your last, well that doesn't mean that you can't dream about tomorrow. Have hope that tomorrow will be better than today. Everything you are doing is not for nothing. Whether its school or work, remember to keep in mind the big picture, and know that you can get there. Because what's the point of living if you don't have anything to live for.
"Positive mind. Positive vibes. Positive life."